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使得到:Zxxk.Com]allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations


使得到:Zxxk.Com]allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations


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使得到:Zxxk.Com]allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations

[来源:Zxxk.Com]5. 卫城也是如此.The Acropolis is no_different.6. 知道如何防止破坏,人们就能世世代代地欣赏到这一历史遗址了.

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使得到:Zxxk.Com]allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations

使得到:Zxxk.Com]allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销 容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解The situations

[来源:Zxxk.Com]once upon a time意为"从前,很久以前",是英文故事、童话开头常见的一种叙述方式,类似的表达还有long long